Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ruins and New Beginnings

As I've been reflecting on the events of the last month or so I've become increasingly aware of a running theme - it's taken me a while to get the message but finally i have it!  'New Beginnings' are all around me - new terms, new lives, new experiences; there is new everywhere I look and new is what I'm getting whether I like it or not!  I was musing on the idea of acceptance and how we can't control exactly what life throws at us, but we can control how we react to it and how we deal with it.  That's now my challenge and one I hope I'm up to, after all, things in ruin are a gift, for from ruins rise transformations and whole new and different beginnings.  This is now mine...So, to all those about to embark on new beginnings, Salut and Bon Voyage...!

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